
How To Play Mw2 On Pc With Controller


Hi there, I would including you to help me face this problem. So considerably, I've completed getting both the updatér and the Zero file.

But the issue is certainly, I opened up the Updater.exe file, it did opened me a command fast. I came into ‘2', because I already possess the Go file installed.

But I put on't understand if it't up to date.So I do it, but it provided me an mistake that it will delete all files and data files inside my desktop computer ( I know that it is faked even though. ) but I think that I really need to do open the updater.éxe inside my major game route right?.

Also, it would be a good idea if you could play it on the console with keyboard and mouse because its way more accurate and easier to use, but i think it would be quite dumb playing online pc mw2 with a ps3 controller. Ps4 controller works on steam mw2? I recently bought MW2 on steam and wanted to play it with my ps4 controller but it wouldn't work. Steam detects that a controller is plugged in and I can use my controller to navigate around steam when in 'Big Picture' mode but when I start MW2, it doesn't work.